Trinity Lutheran Church. 824 Wisconsin Ave., Sheboygan
Kicking off the first concert of our 40th season of bringing excellent choral music to the Lakeshore, the adult and youth choirs present Breath of Life. Music and the arts are essential to the richness of the human experience. Join us for a concert of uplifting and poignant choral music.
St. Peter Claver Parish. 1439 S. 12th St., Sheboygan
Join the Lakeshore Chorale for an afternoon of traditional holiday favorites. The program will include an audience singalong of carols accompanied by the magnificent pipe organ of St. Peter Claver. Join us for a cookie reception following the concert.
Plymouth Arts Center, 520 East Mill St., Plymouth
Valentine Gala
What can warm your heart on a February Wisconsin night like a glass of wine and the most beloved songs of the century? Join us on a sentimental journey. We’ll have Cole Porter, George Gershwin, a cash bar and chocolate. “Who could ask for anything more?”.
Trinity Lutheran Church. 824 Wisconsin Ave., Sheboygan
“My life flows on in endless song … as it finds an echo in my soul.” Truly, music has an incredible power to move humanity and evoke a wide range of emotions. Join us to answer the question, “How Can I Keep From Singing?” and many more as we continue to build the musical skills and overall well-being of the youth in our community through music.
First Congregational Church, 310 Bluff Ave., Sheboygan
Lakeshore Chorale concludes its season with songs of compassion, healing, and hope. The concert features world premieres of music by Wisconsin composers Ian Zempel and Zachary Moore on the themes of survival and perseverance. Some proceeds from this concert will be donated to Mental Health America in Sheboygan County.